“In Plain Sight” is the first of a series of connected stories that take place in the fictional town of SilverCreek. Every game tells a different story with its own mystery and investigation painting a picture of American society that’s both heartbreaking and humorous. A powerful coming-of-age story introduces not only the growing pains but also the struggle of finding one’s place in the modern world. Even if experienced separately, all the stories are intertwined and strongly connected to each other, encouraging the players to revisit the previous titles.
The SilverCreek stories focus on a female perspective presenting young women in different, highly relatable situations, presented in subtle and careful ways. The spotlight is taken by a different girl every time, from the daughter of Venezuelan immigrants, to an African-American cosplayer, to a troubled newcomer. However, the previous protagonists, even if stepping off stage, will be playing an important role for the next hero. Moreover, in “In Plain Sight” all of the future protagonists are already mentioned! This way, the world of SilverCreek feels more connected and the audience playing any new titles will feel like coming back home and will know what to expect.